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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Keeping your eyes on the cure...

Keeping your eyes on the cure... (by martian cat)

Please do not overlook the examinations that everyone (men and women) should have to keep their eye on their own health conditions.


memories... more later...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Give your smiles away... they create happiness...

Give your smiles away... they create happiness... (by martian cat)

Give your smiles away... they create happiness...
~ a friend

another lovely memory from my 2007 trip to the States...

more later...

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Light a Candle of Hope for the Cure!

Light a Candle of Hope for the Cure! (by martian cat)

more later...

Friday, October 03, 2008

Take time to dream -- it is hitching your wagon to a star.

Take time to dream -- it is hitching your wagon to a star. (by martian cat)

"Take time to dream -- it is hitching your wagon to a star."
~ Old English Prayer


Cancer has taken so many lives. My Mom passed away in 1971 (when I was only 17 years old) from breast cancer complications. In 1989, my father passed away from complications from skin cancer.

So, now... you know why this type of poster is so important to me. I only wished I had a chance to share my lovely photography which appears on flickr with my parents.

So... let's hope and pray that the researchers can find a cure for this horrible disease.


The link to my original photo which is titled ~ Daily situations reveal our love of life.

more later...